Thursday, May 7, 2009

Saturday 2 May 2009 - Marshall

The morning started with a trip out to Josey's Ranch to watch the barrel racing - yee har!!!
The atmosphere was fantastic and we all had a blast cheering on the men and women of all ages fanging around the barrels on their trusty steeds!

The team then took a tour with Frank and Craig to the historic home of Grady Lee. Grady is a well-known country music singer. He and his wife were kind enough to give a tour of their beautiful home, let us wear his cowboy hats and gave us a copy of two of his CDs (which we're listening to right now as we write the blog - thanks Grady!!).

We also drove over to Jefferson to see the annual Pilgrimage and mooch through the plethora of antique shops.

The girls spent the evening with the host families. Nina and Grace cut up the dance floor with some bootscootin' in town; Tilai went to a converted ranch "Sacred Spur" for one of the best steaks around; Gracie and Nikki spent time at home with their families and Renee went to a fundraiser to celebrate the Spanish holiday of Cinca de Meya.

The biggest story for us all was at about 1.30am the following morning when the Tornedo sirens went off in town! The winds were howling and the sirens automatically go off when the barometric pressure drops too low. Yes indeed it was just like the movie Twister!!! Fortunately it was only a warning - but still makes a great story to take home!!

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